The Different Drummers "is based on the true story of two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid-1960s. In this more innocent era, when bodybuilder Jack Lalan ruled the radio, two heroes, a pair of elementary school students, boldly attempted to overcome death through friendship. David, who is 11 years old, is slowing down and can only sit in a wheelchair due to muscle malnutrition, while Lyle cannot stop accelerating. At that time, he was believed to have a disease called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction), but today he is diagnosed with "encephalomyelitis"; Attention Deficit Disorder" Lyle wanted David to get up from his wheelchair and start running again. He planned a crazy plan that included a science project, some firefighters, drummers, the principal, a police officer, and a hiking trip through the school gym. It works like this: inspired by his TV idol Lalan, as well as his thoughts on "the resilience and willpower of the gut; Lyle trying to persuade David...